My name is Janell Billings and I have been a Reiki practitioner since 2014. I’ve always felt drawn to the principles of Eastern Medicine. Our bodies respond to the environment around us, as we are connected to nature. Our bodies know how to heal, as we are born with a natural self healing ability. Every part of our body is an integrated whole. I began my journey when my sister was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer. She received Reiki throughout her chemo and radiation and as a result, needed very little pharmaceutical intervention. Her oncologist encouraged her to continue the sessions, as she believed it was positively affecting her treatment outcome. Eight years later, she is still cancer free. From this experience, I found my passion and purpose and decided to expand my practice. I am certified as a Reiki Master & Teacher with additional training/certification in Holy Fire III. As Reiki is appropriate for all conditions, I have worked closely with infertility patients and cancer patients with amazing results.
I’m always excited to meet new clients who are ready to take ownership of their personal healing journey and partner with me to find and bring forth their own inner healer.